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national human genome research institute中文是什么意思

用"national human genome research institute"造句"national human genome research institute"怎么读"national human genome research institute" in a sentence


  • 国家人类基因研究所
  • 国家人类基因组研究所


  • The hapmap project was launched on oct . 29 , 2002 , by the u . s . national human genome research institute nhgri , with a timeline for completion of 3 years
  • The hapmap project was launched on oct . 29 , 2002 , by the u . s . national human genome research institute ( nhgri ) , with a timeline for completion of 3 years
  • The biologist francis collins , director of the national human genome research institute , insists that quote : a lot of scientists really don t know what they are missing by not exploring their spiritual feelings
用"national human genome research institute"造句  


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